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Leavesley, A. J. & Cary, G. J. The effect of patch area on birds in central Australian Mulga ('acacia aneura') woodland of different times-since-fire. Pacific Conservation Biology 19, 28-38 (2013).
Morris, R. et al. Environmental assessment of erosion following prescribed burning in the Mount Lofty Ranges, Australia. International Journal of Wildland Fire (2013). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WF13011
Blanchi, R. et al. Environmental circumstances surrounding bushfire fatalities in Australia 1901–2011. Environmental Science & Policy 1-12 (2013). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2013.09.013
Keane, R. E. et al. Exploring the role of fire, succession, climate, and weather on landscape dynamics using comparative modeling. Ecological Modelling 266, 172-186 (2013).
Fawcett, R., Thurston, W., Kepert, J. & Tory, K. J. The Eyre Peninsula Fire of 11 January 2005: an ACCESS case study. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/eyre-peninsula-fire-11-january-2005-access-case-study>
Weir, J. Fire authorities and planners: reducing risk across diverse landscapes. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/fire-authorities-and-planners-reducing-risk-across-diverse-landscapes>
Maddock, N. Fire development in focus. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management (2013). at <http://www.em.gov.au/Publications/Australianjournalofemergencymanagement/Currentissue/Pages/AJEM28ONE/Firedevelopmentinfocus.aspx>
Simpson, C., Sturman, A., Zawar-Reza, P. & Pearce, G. Fire weather of a Canterbury Northwester on 6 February 2011 in South Island, New Zealand. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/fire-weather-canterbury-northwester-6-february-2011-south-island-new-zeala>
Peace, M., Mattner, T. & Mills, G. A. Fire-atmosphere coupled numerical simulations show a fire changes the local meteorology. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/fire-atmosphere-coupled-numerical-simulations-show-fire-changes-local-mete>
Kruger, T. & Beilin, R. Firefighting the ‘Paradox of Place’ – The Risks and Dilemmas Associated with Knowing the Place of Fire. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/firefighting-%E2%80%98paradox-place%E2%80%99-%E2%80%93-risks-and-dilemmas-associated-knowing-place>
Owen, C. Gendered communication and public safety: Women, men and incident management. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The 28, 3-10 (2013).
Hoult, R. D., Lumantarna, E. & Goldsworthy, H. M. Ground Motion Modelling and Response Spectra for Australian Earthquakes. Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Conference 2013 (2013).
McLennan, J., Elliott, G., Omodei, M. & Whittaker, J. Householders’ safety-related decisions, plans, actions and outcomes during the 7 February 2009 Victorian (Australia) wildfires. Fire Safety Journal 61, 175-184 (2013).
Brown, D. ‘How do Residents in Bushfire Prone Areas View the Bushfire Risk of their Local Area and their Homes?'. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/how-do-residents-bushfire-prone-areas-view-bushfire-risk-their-local-area->
Nyman, P., Sheridan, G. J. & Lane, P. N. J. Hydro-geomorphic response models for burned areas and their applications in land management. Progress in Physical Geography 37, 787 - 812 (2013).
Minas, J. P., Hearne, J. & Martell, D. An integrated optimization model for fuel management and fire suppression preparedness planning. Annals of Operations Research (2013). doi:10.1007/s10479-012-1298-8
Sarwar, M., Moinuddin, K. & Thorpe, G. Large Eddy Simulation of Flow over a Backward Facing Step using Fire Dynamics Simulator. The 14th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (2013).
Thurston, W., Tory, K. J., Fawcett, R. & Kepert, J. Large-eddy simulations of bushfire plumes in the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer. 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (2013).
Daily, H. G. et al. Leaf growth and senescence rates of three pasture grasses and wheat. Crop & Pasture Science 64, 660-672 (2013).
Wenger, C., Hussey, K. & Pittock, J. Living with floods: key lessons from four Australian flood reviews and similar reviews from the Netherlands, China and the USA. 53rd Floodplain Management Association Conference, Tweed Heads (Floodplain Management Association Conference, 2013).
Volkova, L. & Weston, C. Measuring forest carbon and fire emission from southern Eucalyptus forests: key findings and some lessons learnt. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/measuring-forest-carbon-and-fire-emission-southern-eucalyptus-forests-key->
Tyler, M. & Fairbrother, P. Moving Beyond “women are the problem”: How Can We Better Understand the Gendered Nature of Bushfire in Australia?. 2013 Annual Conference (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/moving-beyond-%E2%80%9Cwomen-are-problem%E2%80%9D-how-can-we-better-understand-gendered-na>
Netto, K. et al. Muscle activation during the Pack Hike test and a critical wildfire fighting task. Applied Ergonomics 44, (2013).
Gould, J. S., Sullivan, A., Cruz, M. G., Rucinski, C. & Prakash, M. National Fire Behaviour Knowledge Base- Bringing together the best information for best decisions. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/national-fire-behaviour-knowledge-base-bringing-together-best-information->
Hamra, J., Wigand, R., Hossain, L. & Owen, C. Network effects on learning during emergency events. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2013). doi:10.1057/kmrp.2012.65