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Date Type Title Key Topics Download
09/2017 Conference Paper Evidence-based risk communication: an industry-academic... communication, communities, warnings PDF icon mehta_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mi... governance, planning, policy PDF icon pa06_weir_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved_eu.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Secondary eyewall formation in tropical cyclones cyclone, severe weather, tropical PDF icon kepert_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Sheltering in place during flooding: a case study of ex... cyclone, flood, risk analysis PDF icon haynestofa_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Building an ARC in the mountains: a community-led initia... animals, resilience, risk management PDF icon taylor_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report From hectares to tailor-made solutions for risk mitigati... fuel reduction, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon na11_bradstock_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Enhancing team performance capability, decision making, emergency management PDF icon bearman_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Building resilient communities - effective multi-channel... communication, resilience, warnings PDF icon ra12_tippett_annual_project_report_2016-17_-_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Cultural worldviews and natural hazard risk perception:... communication, communities, resilience PDF icon parsonslykins_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy for building related... earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon ra02_griffith_bnhcrc_2016-17annual_report-mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper An assessment of the viability of prescribed burning as... fuel reduction, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon remenyi_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from... economics, multi-hazard, risk analysis PDF icon pa01_haynes_draft_without_eu_annual_report_2016_2017_-_mpr_approved_eu.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper A community's experience of bushfire response and r... communities, fire impacts, recovery PDF icon jennings_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Unpacking the sectoral income effects of natural disaste... economics, flood, modelling PDF icon ulubasoglu_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Mapping bushfire hazards and impacts: annual project rep... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon na01_yebra_without_eu_comments_annual_report_2016-2017-mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Estimation of forest surface fuel load using airborne Li... fire, modelling PDF icon estimation_of_forest_surface_fuel_load_using_airborne_lidar_data_confpaper.pdf
09/2017 Report Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics - experiment... fire, fire weather, propagation PDF icon na13_without_eu_annual_report_2016-_2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper No ordinary call: factors predicting fire communication... capability, emergency management, resilience PDF icon bradley_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper How risk informs natural hazard management: a study of t... emergency management, modelling, policy PDF icon crawford_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Lessons learned from a multidisciplinary investigation i... fire, fire impacts, scenario analysis PDF icon peace_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Mapping the efficacy of an Australian fuel reduction bur... fuel reduction, modelling, prescribed burning PDF icon wallace_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Journal Article Integrating intangible values in economic analyses of fl... economics, flood, policy PDF icon ajem-32-04-17.pdf
09/2017 Report Natural hazards exposure information framework: annual p... exposure, framework, modelling PDF icon ra05_nadimpali_without_eu_annual_project_report_2016-17_-_mpr_approved_eu.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper From research to red tape - the challenges in implementi... emergency management, governance, policy PDF icon savage_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Thesis Social media in emergencies: An examination of governmen... emergency management, policy, risk management PDF icon melanie_baker-jones_thesis.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Implementing CRC research: development of a tool for ass... fire impacts, hydrology, modelling PDF icon leavesley_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Developing better predictions for extreme water levels:... flood, surface wave, tsunami PDF icon na03_pattirattchi_annual_project_report_2017_final_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper The uncomfortable conversation: understanding value thro... economics, risk management, vulnerability PDF icon young_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduct... decision making, multi-hazard, optimisation PDF icon pa03_maier_with_eu_annual_project_report_2016_2017.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Extreme weather: improved data products on bushfires, th... fire weather, multi-hazard, severe weather PDF icon dowdy_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Where do we put our dollars? Economic analysis of differ... economics, emergency management, fire PDF icon florec_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Journal Article Retrieval of forest fuel moisture content using a couple... environments, fire, modelling
09/2017 Conference Paper Multi-hazard mitigation planning, combining modelling, s... decision making, multi-hazard, scenario analysis PDF icon riddell_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data... flood, forecasting, remote sensing PDF icon na07_pauwels_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Report Improving the resilience of housing to severe wind event... cyclone, engineering, mitigation PDF icon ra08_ginger_with_eu_comments_2016_17_annual_report.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Thermodynamic considerations of pyrocumulus formation fire, fire weather, severe weather PDF icon tory_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Increasing residents' preparedness and planning for... communication, communities, preparedness PDF icon ra11_mcneil_with_eu_annual_report_2016_2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Out of uniform (building community resilience through no... non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering PDF icon mclennan_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Economics of natural hazards: annual project report 2016... economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon pa05_pannell_with_eu_annualreport_2016-2017-mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Implementing disaster resilience policy in the Australia... governance, policy, resilience PDF icon hunt_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Journal Article The smoke is rising but where is the fire? Exploring eff... communication, warnings
09/2017 Report Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce communi... fire weather, forecasting, severe weather PDF icon Kepert_midterm_report.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Enhanced estimation of background temperature for fire d... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon hally_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Too good to be true? How a remote island community devel... communication, communities, resilience PDF icon sutton_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Optimisation of fuel reduction burning regimes for fuel... fuel reduction, optimisation, prescribed burning PDF icon na10_bell_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Report Decision making, team monitoring and organisational lear... capability, decision making, emergency management PDF icon ra17_bearman_with_eu_comments_annual_report_2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper National mental health and wellbeing study of police and... mental health, resilience, risk management PDF icon bartlett_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Policies, instutions and governance of natural hazards:... decision making, governance, policy PDF icon pa07_eburn_without_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved_eu.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: assess... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon parsons_et_al_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy for flood prone build... engineering, flood, mitigation PDF icon ra01_maqsood_with_eu_annual_report_with_eu_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved_xx.pdf