Search Publications

Date Type Title Key Topics Download
12/2016 Conference Paper Analytical development of seismic retrofit technique for... earthquake, engineering
12/2016 Journal Article Comparison of remotely sensed and modelled soil moisture... fire, flood, remote sensing
12/2016 Journal Article Locating the intangible: integrating a sense of place in... economics, planning, policy
11/2016 Conference Paper The effect of modelling inelastic beam-column joint on t... earthquake, engineering, mitigation
11/2016 Report The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Overvi... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Overview of Indicators
11/2016 Report Pyrocumulonimbus forecasting: needs and issues fire weather, modelling, severe weather PDF icon Pyrocumulonimbus forecasting: needs and issues
11/2016 Journal Article Displacement Based Design of Bridge Abutments earthquake, emergency management, mitigation
11/2016 Journal Article Natural hazards in Australia: floods flood, severe weather
11/2016 Journal Article Assessing the application and value of participatory map... communities, emergency management, local knowledge
11/2016 Conference Paper Displacement Capacity of Lightly Reinforced Rectangular... earthquake, engineering
11/2016 Journal Article Improving the Impact and Implementation of Disaster Educ... child-centred, communication, risk management
11/2016 Conference Paper Modelling non-ductile reinforced concrete columns earthquake, engineering, mitigation
11/2016 Journal Article Development and preliminary validation of the Constructi... communities, decision making, mental health
11/2016 Journal Article Whole of Government: the Solution to Managing Crises? emergency management, governance, policy
11/2016 Journal Article Development of a Multi-Spatial Resolution Approach to th... fire severity, remote sensing PDF icon remotesensing-08-00932-v2.pdf
11/2016 Journal Article Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Asymmetrical Reinfor... earthquake, emergency management, mitigation
11/2016 Journal Article Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
11/2016 Journal Article Analytical Simulation of Limited Ductile RC Beam-Columns earthquake, emergency management, mitigation
11/2016 Journal Article Natural hazards in Australia: droughts environments, land management
11/2016 Conference Paper Non-ductile seismic performance of reinforced concrete w... earthquake, engineering
11/2016 Conference Paper Retrofitting RC Beam-Column Joint in Australia using Sin... earthquake, engineering
11/2016 Journal Article Development and preliminary validation of the Constructi... communication, communities, preparedness
10/2016 Journal Article Contacts versus connectors: The role of Community Fire S... communication, communities, warnings
10/2016 Report Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June... communities, recovery, resilience PDF icon Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low
10/2016 Journal Article Top-down assessment of disaster resilience: A conceptual... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
10/2016 Report Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard... fire, fire severity, fuel reduction PDF icon ss_t1n04_russellsmith_savanna_fire_annual_report_2015-16_final2_websitepdf.pdf
10/2016 Journal Article A moveable beast: subjective influence of human-animal r... animals, decision making, fire
10/2016 Report Literature review on community resilience in remote nort... communities, Northern Australia, resilience PDF icon Literature review on community resilience in remote north Australia
10/2016 Journal Article Curvature effects in the dynamic propagation of wildfire... fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
10/2016 Journal Article An assessment of the opportunities to improve strategic... decision making, emergency management, response PDF icon ajem-31-04-14.pdf
10/2016 Report Scoping remote north Australian community resilience and... governance, Northern Australia, resilience PDF icon 3.4.5_ann_rep_scoping_resilience_2015-2016_website.pdf
10/2016 Journal Article Is a picture worth a thousand words? Evaluating the effe... communication, warnings
10/2016 Report Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: br... engineering, flood, infrastructure PDF icon t3r09_setunge_bnhcrc-annual_report_2016_website.pdf
09/2016 Report Fire spread prediction across fuel types: Annual project... fire impacts, modelling, scenario analysis PDF icon Fire spread predictions across fuel types: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Briefing paper: A proposed framework to assess strategie... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Briefing paper:A proposed framework to assess strategies for engaging non-traditional emergency volunteers
09/2016 Conference Paper Rural housing resilience in India: Is it reliant on appr... communities, recovery, resilience
09/2016 Report Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe w... cyclone, engineering, severe weather PDF icon Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article Accredited qualifications for capacity development in di... emergency management, environments, risk management
09/2016 Journal Article Turbulent flow over transitionally rough surfaces with v... fire, fire severity, modelling PDF icon techreportroughnessv3.pdf
09/2016 Report An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from... decision making, multi-hazard, risk analysis PDF icon An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from natural disasters: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article Don't just do something, stand there! Mitigating go... capability, emergency management, volunteering
09/2016 Report Discussion paper: Learning for emergency services, looki... decision making, emergency management, policy PDF icon bnhcrc_learning_lessons_green_paper.pdf
09/2016 Report Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Ann... flood, modelling, remote sensing PDF icon Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article Examining bushfire policy in action: Preparedness and be... communities, fire, policy PDF icon handmer_oneill-accepted.pdf, PDF icon supp-mat-handmeroneill_accepted.pdf
09/2016 Journal Article Remote Sensing-Derived Water Extent and Level to Constra... flood, hydrology, remote sensing
09/2016 Report Application of statistical techniques to pyrolysis-GC-MS... fire impacts, fire severity, soil moisture PDF icon Application of statistical techniques to pyrolysis-GC-MS data from soil to identify the impact of fire
09/2016 Report Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand... emergency management, multi-hazard, scenario analysis PDF icon Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand natural hazard impacts and emergency management requirements: Annual project reports 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Managing Animals in Disasters - improving preparedness,... animals, planning, response PDF icon Managing Animals in Disasters - improving preparedness, response and resilience through organisational collaboration: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experiment... fire impacts, fire severity, modelling PDF icon Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Natural hazards exposure information framework: Annual p... exposure, modelling, multi-hazard PDF icon Natural hazards exposure information framework: Annual project report 2015-2016