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Date Type Title Key Topics Download
09/2016 Report Northern Australia bushfire and natural hazard training:... multi-hazard, Northern Australia, recruitment PDF icon Northern Australia bushfire and natural hazard training: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Improving volunteer recruitment and retention: Annual pr... emergency management, recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Improving volunteer recruitment and retention: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Fire spread prediction across fuel types: Annual project... fire impacts, modelling, scenario analysis PDF icon Fire spread predictions across fuel types: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Briefing paper: A proposed framework to assess strategie... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Briefing paper:A proposed framework to assess strategies for engaging non-traditional emergency volunteers
09/2016 Journal Article Turbulent flow over transitionally rough surfaces with v... fire, fire severity, modelling PDF icon techreportroughnessv3.pdf
09/2016 Report An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from... decision making, multi-hazard, risk analysis PDF icon An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from natural disasters: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe w... cyclone, engineering, severe weather PDF icon Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Discussion paper: Learning for emergency services, looki... decision making, emergency management, policy PDF icon bnhcrc_learning_lessons_green_paper.pdf
09/2016 Report Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Ann... flood, modelling, remote sensing PDF icon Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand... emergency management, multi-hazard, scenario analysis PDF icon Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand natural hazard impacts and emergency management requirements: Annual project reports 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article Remote Sensing-Derived Water Extent and Level to Constra... flood, hydrology, remote sensing
09/2016 Report Application of statistical techniques to pyrolysis-GC-MS... fire impacts, fire severity, soil moisture PDF icon Application of statistical techniques to pyrolysis-GC-MS data from soil to identify the impact of fire
09/2016 Report Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experiment... fire impacts, fire severity, modelling PDF icon Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Managing Animals in Disasters - improving preparedness,... animals, planning, response PDF icon Managing Animals in Disasters - improving preparedness, response and resilience through organisational collaboration: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Natural hazards exposure information framework: Annual p... exposure, modelling, multi-hazard PDF icon Natural hazards exposure information framework: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Conference Paper Rural housing resilience in India: Is it reliant on appr... communities, recovery, resilience
09/2016 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood... economics, engineering, flood PDF icon Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood prone buildings: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article Accredited qualifications for capacity development in di... emergency management, environments, risk management
09/2016 Report The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Annual... multi-hazard, planning, resilience PDF icon The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Report Increasing residents' preparedness and planning for... communication, preparedness, warnings PDF icon Increasing residents' preparedness and planning for natural hazards: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article The role of weather, past fire and topography in crown f... fire impacts, fire weather, prescribed burning
09/2016 Report Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vu... multi-hazard, risk management, vulnerability PDF icon Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vulnerability and risks at the institutional scale: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2016 Journal Article Values and complexities in assessing strategic-level eme... capability, emergency management, response
09/2016 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for build... earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for building related earthquake risk: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2016 Conference Paper The effects of turbulent plume dynamics on long-range sp... fire severity, forecasting, severe weather PDF icon The effects of turbulent plume dynamics on long-range spotting
08/2016 Conference Paper Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge a... communication, communities, risk management PDF icon Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge
08/2016 Journal Article The changing landscape of disaster volunteering: opportu... non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
08/2016 Conference Paper Development of flood mitigation strategies for Australia... economics, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Development of flood mitigation strategies for Australian residential buildings
08/2016 Conference Paper Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data flood, forecasting, remote sensing PDF icon Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data
08/2016 Report Resilience to clustered disaster events at the coast: st... coastal, cyclone, storm surge PDF icon Resilience to clustered disaster events at the coast: storm surge: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2016 Conference Paper Opportunities and challenges of citizen-led recovery in... communities, recovery, volunteering PDF icon Opportunities and challenges of citizen-led recovery in post-disaster settings
08/2016 Conference Paper Improved predictions of Australian extreme sea levels th... coastal, forecasting, storm surge PDF icon Improved predictions of Australian extreme sea levels through a coupled wave-surge model
08/2016 Report Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling: Annual project report... fire weather, modelling, scenario analysis PDF icon Coupled fire atmosphere modelling: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2016 Conference Paper Wind speed reduction induced by post-fire vegetation reg... fire impacts, modelling, physics PDF icon Wind speed reduction induced by post-fire vegetation regrowth
08/2016 Conference Paper "I think I'm going to be frightened out of my... fire, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon "I think I'm going to be frightened out of my wits" psychological preparedness and vulnerability: insights from the Sampson Flat fire
08/2016 Conference Paper Think long term: the costs and benefits of prescribed bu... economics, fire, prescribed burning PDF icon Think long term: the costs and benefits of prescribed burning in the south west of Western Australia
08/2016 Journal Article Production of pyrogenic carbon during planned fires in f... fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning
08/2016 Report Economics of natural hazards: Annual project report 2015... economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon Economics of natural hazards: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2016 Conference Paper Non-market valuation in the economic analysis of natural... economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon Non-market valuation in the economic analysis of natural hazards
08/2016 Conference Paper Building community cyclone resilience through academic a... communication, cyclone, resilience PDF icon Building community cyclone resilience through academic and community partnership
08/2016 Journal Article Development and evaluation of FLFAcs - A new Flood Loss... engineering, flood PDF icon manuscript.pdf
08/2016 Report Disaster landscape attribution: fire surveillance and ha... fire, land management, remote sensing PDF icon Disaster landscape attribution: fire surveillance and hazard mapping, data scaling and validation: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2016 Journal Article An Assessment of Pre- and Post Fire Near Surface Fuel Ha... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
08/2016 Conference Paper Preventing flood related fatalities: a focus on people d... communication, flood, warnings PDF icon Preventing flood related fatalities: a focus on people driving through floodwater
08/2016 Conference Paper Effect of prescribed burning on wildfire severity - a la... fire severity, fuel reduction, prescribed burning PDF icon Effect of prescribed burning on wildfire severity - a landscape case study from the 2003 fires in Victoria
08/2016 Conference Paper How do island communities balance disaster resilience an... communities, local knowledge, resilience PDF icon How do island communities balance disaster resilience and what can mainlanders learn from that?
08/2016 Conference Paper Evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence: moving... child-centred, multi-hazard, risk analysis PDF icon Evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence: moving towards scaled implementation in child-centred disaster risk reduction
08/2016 Report Developing better predictions for extreme water levels:A... coastal, forecasting, storm surge PDF icon Developing better predictions for extreme water levels: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2016 Conference Paper Evaluating topographic influences on the near-surface wi... cyclone, forecasting, scenario analysis PDF icon Evaluating topographic influences on the near-surface wind field of Tropical Cyclone Ita
08/2016 Conference Paper Forecasting the impact of tropical cyclones using global... cyclone, forecasting, severe weather PDF icon Forecasting the impact of cyclones using global numerical weather prediction ensemble forecasts