Student Publications

Year Type Citation
2020 Report Maier, H. et al. Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual report 2019-2020. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2020).
2020 Journal Article Hillman, S. et al. A comparison of terrestrial and UAS sensors for measuring fuel hazard in a dry sclerophyll forest. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 95, (2020).
2020 Journal Article Dippy, R. Professionalism: certification for emergency management leaders. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 35, 56-60 (2020).
2020 Report Hally, B., Reinke, K., Wallace, L. & Jones, S. Quantifying fuel hazard assessments - Fuels3D annual report 2019-2020. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2020).
2020 Report Furlaud, J. M., Foyster, S. & Bowman, D. Using pre- and post-fire LiDAR to assess the severity of the 2019 Tasmanian bushfires: field survey methods. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2020).
2020 Thesis Scovell, M. Investigating the psychological factors that influence cyclone mitigation behaviour. College of Healthcare Sciences Doctor of Philosophy, 280 (2020).
2020 Journal Article Wallace, L., Hally, B., Hillman, S., Jones, S. & Reinke, K. Terrestrial Image-Based Point Clouds for Mapping Near-Ground Vegetation Structure: Potential and Limitations. Fire 3, (2020).
2020 Journal Article Rodriguez-Cubillo, D., Prior, L. & Bowman, D. Variation in Eucalyptus delegatensis post-fire recovery strategies: The Tasmanian subspecies is a resprouter whereas the mainland Australian subspecies is an obligate seeder. Forest Ecology and Management 473, (2020).
2020 Thesis Rashid, M. Disaster risk reduction education for children: a study in Bangladesh engaging children as co-researchers. School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences Doctor of Philosophy, 379 (2020).
2020 Thesis Penney, G. Wildfire suppression – an international analysis of operations, strategy and firefighter safety. School of Medical & Health Sciences Doctor of Philosophy, 430 (2020).
2020 Journal Article Wallace, L., Hally, B., Hillman, S., Jones, S. & Reinke, K. Terrestrial Image-Based Point Clouds for Mapping Near-Ground Vegetation Structure: Potential and Limitations. Fire 3, (2020).
2020 Journal Article Brooks, B. & Curnin, S. Stretch‐Thinking Loops: A New Technique for Scenario Planning. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (2020). doi:
2020 Thesis Rashid, M. Disaster risk reduction education for children: a study in Bangladesh engaging children as co-researchers. School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences Doctor of Philosophy, 379 (2020).
2020 Journal Article Florec, V. & Rogers, A. Economic analysis of natural hazard mitigation using the Quick Economic Analysis Tool. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 35, 48-55 (2020).
2020 Journal Article McGlade, J. et al. An early exploration of the use of the Microsoft Azure Kinect for estimation of urban tree Diameter at Breast Height. Remote Sensing Letters 11, 963-972 (2020).
2020 Journal Article Yates, C. P., MacDermott, H., Evans, J., Murphy, B. P. & Russell-Smith, J. Seasonal fine fuel and coarse woody debris dynamics in north Australian savannas. International Journal of Wildland Fire (2020). doi:
2020 Report Brooks, B. & Curnin, S. Follow up of study participants: brain plasticity and divergent thinking. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2020).
2020 Journal Article Glassey, S. Legal Complexities of Entry, Rescue, Seizure and Disposal of Disaster-Affected Companion Animals in New Zealand. Animals 10, (2020).
2020 Report Parackal, K. et al. Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events: annual report 2019-2020. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2020).
2020 Journal Article Dickson-Hoyle, S., Beilin, R. & Reid, K. A Culture of Burning: Social-Ecological Memory, Social Learning and Adaptation in Australian Volunteer Fire Brigades. Society and Natural Resources (2020). doi: