Using our research
Real world research driven by end-user needs
The critical role of science and research has never been more apparent than in recent years, when natural hazards have caused damage and destruction of diverse communities, homes, infrastructure and fragile natural environments.
Over eight years (2013–2021), the priority for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC was to conduct research that was useful, high-quality and partner-driven.
Our partners have shaped and supported all of our research, whether it be Australian and New Zealand emergency services agencies, leading universities, international research organisations, or the many government departments and non-government and community organisations we have worked with.
Through the development of cohesive and evidence-based policies, strategies, programs and tools, the CRC has hit the Sweet Spot - building a more resilient Australia to benefit not only the emergency management sector but the whole community.
By prioritising meaningful collaboration and striving for research excellence, CRC research is driving change.
Driving Change Themes
This collection showcases the best and the latest research from the CRC, grouped around themes according to how the research is being used – by agencies, government and the community. Each Driving Change theme page is a presentation of the key findings and achievements of CRC research.
When you explore each theme, you will find content that has been carefully curated to guide you to the most important and most relevant resources from the CRC’s eight-year research program. This includes links to online tools, inspiring case studies of research in action and a selection of the most helpful resources (including videos, Hazard Notes, posters and articles). You will also find a selection of key publications for each research theme, including journal articles, reports, conference papers and books.
The complete outputs of the CRC research program can be found in Research. Driving Change is structured to give priority to those outputs and then guide you deeper, back into the Research section, to see more on specific projects, including our core research program, student projects and commissioned research. From a selection of key outputs to the full collection, you now have everything you need to know about the vital research of the CRC and how it is driving change at the operational and practical level.