Craig Ashhurst and Liz Clarke mapping workshop data.
This is the December 2016 newsletter from the Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning project (RMPP), with updates for project end-users.
Case study research
The main activity during this period has been the fieldwork and workshop for the third and final case study – the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley (HNV).
From early October to the end of November Dr Liz Clarke undertook fieldwork in the HNV, working closely with Infrastructure New South Wales. As part of this Dr Clarke conducted 22 semi-structured interviews with practitioners from the NSW government’s Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Management Taskforce and associated stakeholders. In November, NSW SES hosted Dr Clarke for a one day field trip, starting from Warragamba Dam and travelling through the catchment looking at the complexity of flood behaviours, evacuation routes and strategies, and the population centres.
Dr Clarke, Dr Weir and facilitator Mr Craig Ashhurst travelled to Sydney to convene a one-day workshop at the SES Western Sydney headquarters in Seven Hill, which was held on 21 November 2016.
A collaborative action research approach was taken in the workshop, to allow for data collection as well as some useful inputs for the workshop participants. The workshop was designed to respond to some of the concerns and needs raised during the interview process, and theoretical constructs and relevant theory for them to reflect on their practice. The workshop was really well received, and participants expressed strong appreciation for the insights given into dealing with the complexity of their work and the challenges that come with this.
Dr Clarke is now completing follow-up interviews and data analysis, in preparation to delivering research publications and presentations.
Synthesis and utilisation
As the results from Dr Clarke’s work are received, we are able to commence on the synthesis of three case studies and the delivery of key findings for industry utilisation. This includes developing communication products such as practice tools and guidelines for industry, as well as organising a workshop.
Publication, workshop, presentations update
McGee, T. (2016). Canadian case study: Scientific Diversity, Scientific Uncertainty and Risk Mitigation Policy and Planning Project, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Wildfire Management Branch, Edmonton, 16 November 2016.
Clarke, L and Ashhurst C. 2016. Sensemaking Workshop: A focus on data and information in the RMPP Project’, SES Western Sydney, Seven Hills, 21 November 2016.
Clarke, L (2016). ‘Feedback on research interviews’, Sensemaking Workshop: A focus on data and information in the RMPP Project’, SES Western Sydney, Seven Hills, 21 November 2016.
Neale, T. (2016). Burning anticipation: wildfire, risk mitigation and simulation modelling in Victoria, Australia. Environment and Planning A, 48(10), 2026-2045.