The National Fires Near Me smartphone application. Photo: NSW Rural Fire Service.
Natural hazards, where risks are often high and lives and property are at stake, raise considerable uncertainty and anxiety. Providing the community with information that is designed to instil specific preparation and response behaviours is important for emergency services.
Hazard Note 57 investigates a body of research to determine whether well-established, theoretical principles could be applied effectively in warning messages for natural hazards. The research suggests that the following principles could maximise comprehension of warning messages:
be in an easy to understand layout - use dot points or subheads where possible
personalise risk
cover the hazard type, severity, likelihood, possible consequences, location and timeframe
be in plain English
group related information together
be issued by a credible source
link to other credible sources of information
Emergency service agencies continue to revise their messages, but preliminary tests in simulated settings suggest that community comprehension of emergency messages can be improved by using these principles.
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