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Wain, A. & Mills, G. A. Analysis of near-surface transport from an oil storage facility at Hovea, Western Australia – a year of dispersion modelling. (Consultancy Report to Arc Energy Pty Ltd, 2007).
Suss, J. Annotated bibliography summarising material related to fire service volunteering by people from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds (NESB) and Cultural and guistic Diversity (CALDbackgrounds. (2007). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/annotated-bibliography-multiculturalism-february-2007.pdf>
Ganewatta, G. & Handmer, J. Bushfire Management: Why, Where and How Economics Matter?. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. (2007).
McCaw, L. W., Marchetti, P., Elliott, G. & Reader, G. Bushfire weather climatology of the Haines Index in south-western Australia. Australian Meteorological Magazine 56, 75-80 (2007).
Russell-Smith, J. et al. Bushfires 'down under': patterns and implications of contemporary Australian landscape burning. International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 361 (2007).
Xinmei, H. & Mills, G. A. Classifying objectively identified wind changes using synoptic pressure cycles. 128, 60pp (BMRC , 2007).
Handmer, J. & Proudley, B. Communicating uncertainty via probabilities: The case of weather forecasts. Environmental Hazards 7, 79 - 87 (2007).
Bushnell, S., Balcombe, L. J. & Cottrell, A. Community and fire service perceptions of bushfire issues in Tamborine Mountain: what's the difference?. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 22, 3-Sep (2007).
Gilbert, J. Community education, awareness and engagement programs. (2007). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/communities-report-gilbert-c0701.pdf>
Andersen, A. N., Parr, C. L., Lowe, L. M. & Müller, W. J. Contrasting fire-related resilience of ecologically dominant ants in tropical savannas of northern Australia. Diversity and Distributions 13, 438 - 446 (2007).
Harvest, T., Davidson, N. J. & Close, D. C. Is decline in high altitude eucalypt forests related to rainforest understorey development and altered soil bacteria following the long absence of fire?. Austral Ecology Nov. 2007, (2007).
Paton, D. Developing community bushfire resilience: Integrating household, community and fire agency perspectives. (2007).
Mills, G. A. On easterly changes over elevated terrain in Australia's southeast. Australian Meteorological Magazine 56, 177-190 (2007).
Ganewatta, G. & Handmer, J. Community Bushfire Safety (Handmer, J. & Haynes, K.) (CSIRO Publishing/ Bushfire CRC, 2007). at <http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/18/pid/5819.htm>
Plucinski, M. P., Gould, J. S., McCarthy, G. J. & Hollis, J. J. The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Aerial Firefighting in Australia. (Bushfire CRC , 2007).
Price, O., Edwards, A. C. & Russell-Smith, J. Efficacy of permanent firebreaks and aerial prescribed burning in western Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 295 (2007).
Davidson, N. J. et al. Eucalypt health and agricultural land management within bushland remnants in the Midlands of Tasmania, Australia. Biological Conservation 139, 439 - 446 (2007).
Davidson, N. J. et al. Eucalypt health and agricultural land management within bushland remnants in the Midlands of Tasmania. Biological Conservation (2007). at <http://eprints.utas.edu.au/3954/>
McLennan, J., Birch, A., Beatson, R. & Cowlishaw, S. Factors impacting on recruiting and retaining Australia's volunteer firefighters: Some reseach evidence. Australian Journal on Volunteering 12, (2007).
Gould, J. S., McCaw, L. W., Cheney, N. P., Ellis, P. & Matthews, S. Field Guide- Fuel assessment and fire behaviour prediction in dry euclaypt forest. 82, (Ensis- CSIRO & Department of Enivironment and Conservation, WA, 2007).