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McLennan, J. & Bertoldi, M. Australian rural fire services' recognition and service awards for volunteers. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 20, 17-21 (2005).
Beatson, R. & McLennan, J. Australia's women volunteer firefighters: A literature review and research agenda. Australian Journal on Volunteering 2, 18-27 (2005).
CSIRO,. Boggy Plain: burning for biological and cultural conservation in northern Australia. (2005). at <http://nla.gov.au/anbd.bib-an000041184322>
Willis, M. Bushfires—How can we avoid the unavoidable?. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards 6, 93 - 99 (2005).
Keane, R. E. et al. A classification of landscape fire succession models: spatial simulations of fire and vegetation dynamics. Ecological Modelling. 179, Mar-27 (2005).
Hennessey, K. et al. Climate change impacts on fire-weather in southeast Australia. 88pp (CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research , 2005). at <http://www.cmar.csiro.au/e-print/open/hennessykj_2005b.pdf>
Cottrell, A. Communities and bushfire hazard in Australia: More questions than answers. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards 6, 109 - 114 (2005).
Parr, C. L., Sinclair, B. J., Andersen, A. N., Gaston, K. J. & Chown, S. L. Constraint and Competition in Assemblages: A Cross‐Continental and Modeling Approach for Ants. The American Naturalist 165, 481 - 494 (2005).
Anderson, S. A. J., Anderson, W. R., Hines, F. & Fountain, A. Determination of field sampling methods for the assessment of curing levels in grasslands. (Bushfire CRC, 2005). at <http://www.nzfoa.org.nz/index.php?/File_libraries_resources/Fire/Other_Fire_Research_Publications/Grassland_Curing/Determination_of_field_sampling_methods_for_the_assessment_of_curing_in_grasslands>
McLennan, J. & Birch, A. Estimates of the Likely Impact on TFS Operational Volunteer Fire Fighter Numbers of Introducing Mandatory Fitness Standards. (2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/tfs_report_2005_1_agefitness-2.pdf>
Gilbert, J. An Evaluation of the Street FireWise Community Education Program in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales. (Bushfire CRC Project C7, 2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/sfw_evaluation_0.pdf>
McCaw, L. W. & Smith, B. P. Fire behaviour in 6 year old Eucalyptus Globulus plantation during conditions of extreme fire danger - a case study from south - western Australia. (2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/bluegum-plantation-fire-23-march-2005.pdf>
Andersen, A. N. et al. Fire frequency and biodiversity conservation in Australian tropical savannas: implications from the Kapalga fire experiment. Austral Ecology 155-167 (2005).
Sadler, R. J., Hazelton, M. & Grierson, P. Fitting Ecological Knowledge to Remotely Sensed Long-term Monitoring Data: A framework from semi-arid grasslands of the Pilbara region of north-western Australia. Ecological Society of America (2005). at <http://abstracts.co.allenpress.com/pweb/esa2005/document/47881>
A. Gill, M. & Zylstra, P. Flammability of Australian Forests. Australian Forestry 2, 87-93 (2005).
Gunasekera, D., Gonzalez-Caban, A., Handmer, J., Mills, G. A. & Bannister, T. Framework for measuring the value of Australian Bureau of Meteorology fire weather services.Economic Value of Fire Weather Services. 37-66 (BMRC , 2005). at <http://www.bom.gov.au/bmrc/pubs/researchreports/RR112.pdf plus on FKN>
Omodei, M., McLennan, J. & Reynolds, C. Identifying the Causes of Unsafe Firefighting Decisions: A Human Factors Interview Protocol. (2005).
Leonard, J. Investigation into the house loss in the ACT bushfires 2003. (2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/bushfire_risk_at_the_rural_urban_interface_-_brisbane_2006.pdf>
Blanchi, R. & Leonard, J. Investigation into the stringency provided by the draft standard AS 3959. Bushfire CRC Project D1, (Bushfire CRC Project D1, 2005).
Blanchi, R. & Leonard, J. Investigation of bushfire attack mechanisms resulting in house loss in the ACT bushfire 2003. (Bushfire CRC, 2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/act_bushfire_crc_report.pdf>
A. Gill, M. Landscape fires as social disasters: An overview of ‘the bushfire problem’. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards 6, 65 - 80 (2005).
Hughes, P. & White, N. Living with Bushfire risk: Residents accounts of their bushfire preparedness behaviour. AFAC/Bushfire CRC Conference (2005).
Reisen, F. & Brown, S. K. Manual of methods and procedures for measuring personal exposures of bushfire firefighters to air toxics. (Bushfire CRC, 2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/milestone_18-2-1_manual.pdf>
Omodei, M., Elliott, G., Walshe, M. & Wearing, A. J. Networked Fire Chief: A Research and Training Tool that Targets the Human Factors Causes of Unsafe Decision Making in Wildfires. Eighth International Wildland Fire Safety Summit (2005).
Johnston, P., Milne, G. J. & Klemitz, D. Overview of bushfire spread simulation systems. (BCRC, 2005). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/uwa_simulators_overview.pdf>