Export 2005 results:
Harris, S., Anderson, W. R., Kilinc, M. & Fogarty, L. The relationship between fire behaviour measures and community loss: an exploratory analysis for developing a bushfire severity scale. Natural Hazards (2012). doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0156-y
Owen, C. Report on the French – Australian/New Zealand Collaborative Research Exchange. (2012). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/report-french-%E2%80%93-australiannew-zealand-collaborative-research-exchange>
O’Neill, S. J. & Handmer, J. Responding to bushfire risk: the need for transformative adaptation. Environmental Research Letters 7, 014018 (2012).
Buckley, T. N., Turnbull, T. L. & Adams, M. A. Simple models for stomatal conductance derived from a process model: cross-validation against sap flux data. Plant, Cell & Environment no - no (2012). doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2012.02515.x
Wolkow, A. et al. The Stress of Firefighting Report. (2012).
Thornton, R. P. This special legal edition of the Australian Journal of Emergency Management in context. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 27, (2012).
Brooks, B. & Owen, C. Training Pathways for Effective Emergency Management Coordination above the IMT. (2012).
Bailey, T. G., Davidson, N. J. & Close, D. C. Understanding the regeneration niche: Microsite attributes and recruitment of eucalypts in dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 269, 229 - 238 (2012).
Wenger, C., Hussey, K. & Pittock, J. The use of the 1:100 year standard in the United States: insights for Australia?. Australian Environment Review 27, pp. 337-346 (2012).
Lord, C. et al. Validating ‘fit for duty’ tests for Australian volunteer fire fighters suppressing bushfires. Applied Ergonomics 43, 191 - 197 (2012).
Bosomworth, K., Keating, A., Kruger, T. & Towers, B. Visions of Sharing Responsibility for Disaster Resilience - Account of a multi-stakeholder workshop. (RMIT, 2012).
Whittaker, J., Handmer, J. & Mercer, D. Vulnerability to bushfires in rural Australia: A case study from East Gippsland, Victoria. Journal of Rural Studies (2012). doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2011.11.002
McLennan, J., Elliott, G. & Omodei, M. When residents come under imminent wildfire threat, what aspects of decision making distinguish those who stay and defend their home from those who leave?. IAWF 3rd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference, Seattle, WA, 17-19 April 2012 87-89 (2012). at <http://www.iawfonline.org/pdf/3rd%20Human%20Dimensions%20Conference%20Proceedings%20-%20FINAL.pdf>
A. Gill, M. & Cary, G. J. The World-Wide 'Wildfire' Problem. (2012). at <http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/10-2213.1>
Sullivan, K. & Norman, B. Annual Report 2010-11: First year of the Urban and Regional Planning for Risk and Uncertainty project. (2011).
Tolhurst, K. G. & Chong, D. Assessing Potential House Losses Using PHOENIX RapidFire. Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day (2011). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/pages-74-86-assessing-potential-house-losses>
Hollis, J. J., Matthews, S., Anderson, W. R., Cruz, M. G. & Burrows, N. D. Behind the flaming zone: Predicting woody fuel consumption in eucalypt forest fires in southern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 261, 2049 - 2067 (2011).
Adams, M. A. & Attiwill, P. Burning Issues. (CSIRO Publishing, 2011). at <http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/201/pid/6421.htm >
McLennan, J. et al. Bushfire Survival-Related Decision Making: What the Stress and Performance Research Literature Tells Us. Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day (2011). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/pages-307-319-bushfire-survival-related-decision-making>
Dunlop, P. et al. Capturing Community Members’ Bushfire Experiences: The Lake Clifton (WA) Fire. Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day (2011). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/pages-272-277-capturing-community-members-bushfire-experiences-lake-clifton-fire>
Eburn, M. Changes to occupational health and safety laws and the impact on volunteers in the emergency services. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 26, 43-47 (2011).
Owen, C. The changing nature of emergency services multi-agency coordination. Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day (R.P. Thornton (Ed) 2011, ‘Proceedings of Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2010 Conference Science Day’ 1 September 2011, Sydney Australia, Bushfire CRC, 2011). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/managed/resource/214-233_the_changing_nature_of_emergency_services_multi-agency_coordination.pdf>
McLennan, J. & Elliott, G. Community Members' Decision Making Under the Stress of Imminent Bushfire Threat - Murrindindi Fire. (La Trobe University, 2011). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/community-members-decision-making-under-stress-imminent-bushfire-threat-murrindindi-fire>
De Sisto, M. The Complex Network within Bushfire Investigation Strategy. Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day (2011). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/pages-258-271-complex-network-within-bushfire-investigation-strategy >
Handmer, J. Concept review Framing challenges for sharing responsibility. (2011).