Key topics

fire severity

Fire severity refers to the condition or magnitude of a fire, including temperature, speed and area.  

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (777.68 KB) fire severity, modelling, severe weather
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.32 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Development of seasonal fire prediction tools Project fire, fire severity, fire weather
Wind speed Reduction Factors (WRFs): utilities for WRF assessment and communication - Black Summer final report Biblio PDF icon save (2.01 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Frequency of Dynamic Fire Behaviours in Australian Forest Environments Biblio PDF icon save (985.4 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Using pre- and post-fire LiDAR to assess the severity of the 2019 Tasmanian bushfires: field survey methods Biblio PDF icon save (2 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fuel reduction
Simulated transport of short-range embers in an idealised bushfire Biblio environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Wildland fire Biblio fire, fire impacts, fire severity
A systematic exploration of the potential for bushfire risk mitigation with prescribed burning Biblio PDF icon save (776.62 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Wind speed Reduction Factors (WRF): utilities for WRF assessment and communication Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Estimating grassland curing with remotely sensed data Biblio fire, fire severity, modelling
Effect of weather forecast errors on fire growth model projections Biblio fire, fire severity, modelling
Walking together: a decolonising experiment in bushfire management on Dja Dja Wurrung country Biblio fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Development of a Multi-Spatial Resolution Approach to the Surveillance of Active Fire Lines Using Himawari-8 Biblio PDF icon save (16.22 MB) fire severity, remote sensing
Fire severity mapping review Project fire severity, modelling
Determining threshold conditions for extreme bushfire behaviour annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (2.29 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Sleep in wildland firefighters: what do we know and why does it matter? Biblio emergency management, fire impacts, fire severity
Estimating fuel moisture and fire history from Sentinel 2 satellite imagery - Black Summer final report Biblio PDF icon save (1.03 MB) fire severity, land management, risk management
Assessment of post-fire recovery of sub alpine shrublands after the 2019 World Heritage Area Fires Project environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Curvature effects in the dynamic propagation of wildfires Biblio fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics Project File save (0 bytes) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Yanchep Black Summer bushfire reconstruction: insights to inform situational awareness and future management Project fire severity, land management, risk management
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour Biblio PDF icon save (2.02 MB) fire severity, forecasting, modelling
Investigation of spotting and intrinsic fire dynamics using a coupled atmosphere-fire modelling framework Biblio PDF icon save (10.92 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for northern Australia: annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (2.82 MB) fire, fire severity, fuel reduction
Relicts at Risk: Impacts of the 2016 Tasmanian Fires on Pencil Pine (Athrotaxis Cupressoides) Biblio PDF icon save (849.56 KB) environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Severe fire behaviour - improving planning responses Project fire severity, planning, response
Particle tracking and detection software for firebrands characterization in wildland fires Biblio fire, fire severity, physics
Improving Fire Behaviour Data Obtained from Wildfires Biblio emergency management, fire impacts, fire severity
Investigating the effects of soil moisture, temperature and preciptiation extremes on fire risk and intensity in Australia Biblio PDF icon save (43.2 MB) emergency management, fire severity, soil moisture
Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for northern Australia annual project report part two: managing flammable high biomass grassy weeds Biblio fire severity, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
Effect of prescribed burning on wildfire severity - a landscape case study from the 2003 fires in Victoria Biblio PDF icon save (807.87 KB) fire severity, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
Pyroconvective interactions and dynamic fire propagation Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour - annual report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (2.59 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Remeasurement of Burnt TERN Ausplots in New South Wales Project environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (5.2 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Development of a stochastic fire effect model in predicting the impacts of fire severity on vegetation Project fire impacts, fire severity
Predicting fire danger ratings from physical measures of fire behaviour Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire Biblio fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather

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