Key topics

fuel reduction

Fuel reduction is the manipulation, including combustion, or removal of fuels to reduce the likelihood of ignition and/or to lessen potential damage and resistance to control.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
A lidar-derived fuel map for the ACT Biblio PDF icon save (2.82 MB) emergency management, fire weather, fuel reduction
Seasonal fine fuel and coarse woody debris dynamics in north Australian savannas Biblio fuel reduction, land management, savanna grasslands
Fire eases imbalances of nitrogen and phosphorus in woody plants Biblio fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning
Can a growth model be used to describe forest carbon and water balance after fuel reduction burning in temperate forests? Biblio environments, fuel reduction, modelling
Near infrared spectroscopy as a new fire severity metric Biblio PDF icon save (2.33 MB) fire severity, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
Assessing post-fire recovery of flora and fauna in mechanical fuel reduction E. sieberi forests after wildfires 2020 Project environments, fire impacts, fuel reduction
Contemporary fire regime risks to key ecological assets and processes in north Australian savannas Biblio fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning
Simulating the effectiveness of prescribed burning at altering wildfire behaviour in Tasmania, Australia Biblio fire, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
Model predictions for fuel reduction burning of eucalypt open forest in the greater Blue Mountains region Biblio PDF icon save (1.66 MB) fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning
High-Resolution Estimates of Fire Severity - An Evaluation of UAS Image and LiDAR Mapping Approaches on a Sedgeland Forest Boundary in Tasmania, Australia Biblio fire, fuel reduction, remote sensing

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