Type Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Aug 2015 Realistic Disaster Scenarios: Severe Tropical Cyclone SE QLD PDF icon Download (135.05 KB) cyclone, modelling, scenario analysis
Poster Aug 2015 Flood Damage Assessment in Urban Areas PDF icon Download (204.87 KB) flood, risk management
Poster Aug 2015 Improving Flood Forecasting Skill Using Remote Sensing Data - Hydrological Component PDF icon Download (277.63 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2015 Community-Led Bushfire Preparedness in Action: The Case of Be Ready Warrandyte PDF icon Download (382.81 KB) communities, fire
Poster Aug 2015 Economics of Natural Hazards: Valuing Intangibles PDF icon Download (231.39 KB) decision making, economics
Poster Aug 2015 Learning Together: Cross Cultural Emergency Management Training for Northern Australia PDF icon Download (136.63 KB) indigenous communities, local knowledge, Northern Australia
Poster Aug 2015 Smoke Plume Injection into the Atmosphere and Subsequent Pyrocumulus 'Blow-Up' PDF icon Download (216.83 KB) fire weather
Poster Aug 2015 Refinement and Validation of Firebrand Transport Sub Model for a Physics Based Bushfire Prediction Model: Design of a Firebrand Generator PDF icon Download (188.99 KB) fire, modelling, propagation
Poster Aug 2015 Towards the Assimilation of AMSR2 Soil Moisture and Vegetation Data for Natural Hazard Monitoring and Prediction PDF icon Download (400.2 KB) environments, modelling, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2015 Application of the Single Microtremor Method to the Adelaide's Regolith PDF icon Download (163.69 KB) earthquake, risk analysis
Poster Aug 2015 Community-Led Recovery in the Context of Emergencies and Disaster: A Case Study of Community Resilience in the 2013 Forcett Tasmania Bushfire PDF icon Download (231.39 KB) communities, resilience
Poster Aug 2015 Rainforests on Fire: Assessing Bushfire Risk in Tasmania's Wet Forest Types PDF icon Download (156.59 KB) fire, modelling, risk analysis
Poster Aug 2015 Child-Centred Disaster Risk Reduction: Achievements, Challenges, and Scope PDF icon Download (226.64 KB) child-centred, decision making, multi-hazard
Poster Aug 2015 Modelling the Fire Weather of the Blue Mountains Fires of October 2013 PDF icon Download (720.76 KB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
Poster Aug 2015 Victorian Bushfire Risk Management Research: A Collaboration Between the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC PDF icon Download (494.53 KB)
Poster Aug 2015 Scoping Remote North Australian Community Resilience PDF icon Download (140.77 KB) indigenous communities, resilience
Poster Aug 2015 Weather Science to Societal Impact: Opportunities for Australia in the World Meteorological Organisation's High Impact Weather Project PDF icon Download (925.8 KB) communication, fire weather, resilience
Poster Aug 2015 Business and Economic Exposure Information Framework PDF icon Download (162.56 KB) exposure, framework, modelling
Poster Aug 2015 Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data - Hydraulic Component PDF icon Download (239.68 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2015 Victoria Fire Weather Climatology Dataset - Overview and Outputs PDF icon Download (8.31 MB) fire weather

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