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Date Type Title Key Topics Download
09/2018 Conference Paper Community preparedness and responses to the 2017 NSW bus... communities, fire, fire impacts PDF icon Community preparedness and responses to the 2017 NSW bushfires
09/2018 Conference Paper Risk modelling as a tool to support local government eme... emergency management, risk analysis, tsunami PDF icon Risk modelling as a tool to support local government
09/2018 Conference Paper Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone coastal, emergency management, storm surge PDF icon Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone
09/2018 Conference Paper Volunteering into the future – disaster events, local go... emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering PDF icon Volunteering into the future
09/2018 Conference Paper Extreme fire behaviours: Surveying fire management staff... emergency management, fire, fire severity PDF icon Extreme fire behaviours
09/2018 Conference Paper A systematic approach to embedding safety, well-being an... emergency management, multi-hazard PDF icon A systematic approach to embedding safety, well-being and risk management when responding to interstate and international deployments
08/2018 Report Changing capabilities of emergency service organisations diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience PDF icon Changing capabilites report
08/2018 Journal Article Extreme floods and river values: A social–ecological per... flood, resilience, risk management
08/2018 Journal Article A novel framework for owner driven reconstruction projec... capability, communities, resilience
08/2018 Journal Article A literature review of methods for providing enhanced op... capability, decision making, emergency management
08/2018 Journal Article Bushfire Preparedness, Planning, and Response among Anim... animals, planning, response
08/2018 Journal Article Attachment, bushfire preparedness, planning, and respons... animals, preparedness, response
08/2018 Thesis Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in A... earthquake, risk management PDF icon anita_amirsardari_thesis.pdf
08/2018 Journal Article Can air quality management drive sustainable fuels manag... fire, fuel reduction
08/2018 Journal Article Estimating Fire Background Temperature at a Geostationar... fire impacts, fire weather, risk management
08/2018 Journal Article Navigating the fiery debate: the role of scientific evid... land management, policy, savanna grasslands
08/2018 Report Shaping future catastrophic disasters PDF icon 2018_rb21-shaping_future_catastrophic_disasters_final_1.pdf
08/2018 Report Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard... fire severity, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
08/2018 Report Community values survey diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience PDF icon Community survey report
08/2018 Journal Article Incentivising fire management in Pindan (Acacia shrublan... climate change, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
08/2018 Journal Article Motivations and experiences of sheltering in place durin... communication, flood, risk management
08/2018 Journal Article Estimating fire background temperature at a geostationar... fire, modelling, remote sensing
08/2018 Journal Article Identification of hydrologic models, optimized parameter... flood, modelling, remote sensing
07/2018 Thesis Sleep and stress in on-call fire and emergency service w... emergency management, mental health
07/2018 Journal Article An investigation into the water flow pressure distributi... engineering, flood, infrastructure
07/2018 Thesis Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape communities, recovery, resilience PDF icon zdarcy_ipifinalreport_jun18.pdf
07/2018 Journal Article Simulation of fuel bed ignition by wildland firebrands fire, fuel reduction, modelling
07/2018 Journal Article Evidence to support incident management team capability communication, emergency management, multi-hazard PDF icon ajem-33-3-16.pdf
07/2018 Journal Article Advances in active fire detection using a multi-temporal... fire, remote sensing, response
07/2018 Report The long road: building effective diversity and inclusio... diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience PDF icon The long road: building effective diversity and inclusion in emergency management
07/2018 Journal Article Implementation of a new algorithm resulting in improveme... fire, modelling, remote sensing
07/2018 Journal Article Flood levee influences on community preparedness: a para... communities, emergency management, flood
07/2018 Journal Article Identifying the evidence to support incident management... capability, decision making, organisational
07/2018 Journal Article Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation un... fire, modelling
07/2018 Journal Article A formative evaluation of the Triple Zero Kids’ Challeng... child-centred, communication, emergency management
06/2018 Report Value Tool for Natural Hazards: Guidelines economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon value_tool_for_natural_hazards_guidelines.pdf
06/2018 Journal Article Determining the minimum sampling frequency for ground me... fire, fire impacts, fire severity
06/2018 Report Increasing emergency management capacity through busines... emergency management, land management, risk management PDF icon rb21-gissing-bnhcrc_business_lit.pdf
06/2018 Journal Article Emerging opportunities for developing a diversified land... land management, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
06/2018 Journal Article A fuel moisture content and flammability monitoring meth... emergency management, fire, savanna grasslands
06/2018 Journal Article Children in the 2015 South Indian floods: community memb... child-centred, communities, flood
06/2018 Journal Article An ecosystem services framework to evaluate indigenous a... environments, indigenous communities, Northern Australia
06/2018 Journal Article Estimating grassland curing with remotely sensed data fire, fire severity, modelling
05/2018 Journal Article Enhancing the policy relevance of exploratory scenarios:... decision making, risk analysis, scenario analysis
05/2018 Thesis Owner-driven housing reconstruction as a means of enhanc... recovery, resilience PDF icon mittul_vahanvati_thesis.pdf
05/2018 Journal Article Describing adaptation tipping points in coastal flood ri... emergency management, flood, forecasting
05/2018 Thesis An evaluation of youth justice conferencing for youth mi... fire PDF icon kamarah_pooley_thesis.pdf
05/2018 Journal Article A lightning-caused wildfire ignition forecasting model f... fire, fire weather
05/2018 Journal Article Wave ensemble forecasts for tropical cyclones in the Aus... coastal, cyclone, forecasting
05/2018 Thesis Initiation of smouldering combustion in biomass fire, prescribed burning PDF icon houzhi_wang_thesis.pdf