Search Publications

Date Type Title Key Topics Download
2007 Journal Article Interannual variations of area burnt in Tasmanian bushfi...
11/2007 Journal Article Patchiness of prescribed burns in dry sclerophyll eucaly...
11/08/2007 Report Understanding Communities Project Update
11/01/2007 Report Project Vesta- Fire in dry eucalypt Forest: Fuel structu...
11/01/2007 Book Fire Behaviour in Dry Eucalypt Forest Fuels
11/01/2007 Report Field Guide- Fuel assessment and fire behaviour predicti...
10/31/2007 Journal Article On easterly changes over elevated terrain in Australia...
10/31/2007 Report Interannual variations of area burnt in Tasmanian bushfi...
10/2007 Journal Article Eucalypt health and agricultural land management within...
1/2007 Journal Article Savanna fires increase rates and distances of seed dispe...
07/2007 Journal Article Contrasting fire-related resilience of ecologically domi...
06/2007 Journal Article The stomatal response to evaporative demand persists at...
05/2007 Journal Article PTR-MS analysis of reference and plant-emitted volatile...
04/2007 Journal Article Habitat type influences fire resilience of ant assemblag...
03/2007 Journal Article Letter to the editors
Report Under Flames - Fire tests on timber decks
Book Developing community bushfire resilience: Integrating h...
Conference Proceedings Fuel dynamics and fire behaviour in Australian mallee an...
Journal Article Factors impacting on recruiting and retaining Australia...
Report Water tank behavior in Bushfires
Report Measurements of Moisture Content in Decking Timbers Expo...
Journal Article Bushfire Management: Why, Where and How Economics Matter...
Book Chapter Fire risk in Aboriginal peri-urban landscapes in norther...
Report Community education, awareness and engagement programs
Journal Article The influence of prescribed burning on fruit production...
Report Fire tests at the interface between Timber Decks and ext...
Report A laser point-quadrat sampling frame for vegetation surv...
Journal Article The stomatal response to evaporative demand persists at...
Report Annotated bibliography summarising material related to f...
Journal Article A rain forest ant fauna in the tropical savanna landscap...
Book Chapter Living with bushfires: What do people expect?
Report Improving bushfire safety
Journal Article Eucalypt health and agricultural land management within...
Journal Article Is decline in high altitude eucalypt forests related to...
Journal Article Planning for more bushfires: implications of urban growt...
Book Chapter Managing Wildfire Hazards in Fire-prone Landscape: Austr...
Conference Proceedings Volunteer firefighting: A job for a woman?
Journal Article Sap flow in Australian subalpine forests & woodlands...
Journal Article Fire sheds new light on regulation of water and carbon f...
Book Chapter Economics of Bushfire Management
Journal Article "The Human Factors Interview Protocol: A Tool for t...
August 2006 Report Respiratory Health of Fire Fighters
9/20/2006 Journal Article Modelling the King Island bushfire smoke
7/04/2006 Report National daily gridded soil moisture deficit and drought...
6/30/2006 Report Assessment of the application of compressed air foam tec...
6/30/2006 Report An assessment of drop patterns, penetration and persiste...
6/30/2006 Report Aerial Suppression Experiment, Cambridge Tasmania, 21-23...
5/18/2006 Journal Article The Winchelsea Convergence - using radar and mesoscale N...
5/18/2006 Report The Australian Smoke Management Forecast System