Hazard Channel

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Melbourne during a storm in 2010. Photo: Ben Houdijk (CC-by-nc-nd-2.0)

Warnings that save lives

Australian lives are being saved by Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC research, which was recognised with the Cooperative Research Centres Association’s premier award for Excellence in Innovation 2019. The research is shaping warnings and public information campaigns to prepare and protect communities threatened by flood, bushfire, cyclone, storm, heatwave and other natural hazards.

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03 Oct 2017
AFAC17 - Continuing the conversation:...
communication, emergency management
03 Oct 2017
AFAC17- Continuing the conversation: Data for...
communication, emergency management
16 Oct 2017
Enabling sustainable volunteering - adapting the...
communities, recruitment
16 Oct 2017
Enabling sustainable volunteering - changing...
communities, recruitment
16 Nov 2017
Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering:...
communities, recruitment
05 Dec 2017
Lessons learned from the Waroona fire: AFAC...
fire, fire weather
11 Jan 2018
Enabling sustainable volunteering - adapting the...
communities, recruitment
11 Jan 2018
Enabling sustainable volunteering - changing...
communities, recruitment
24 Jan 2018
The Day the Flames Came: Dwellingup 1961
fire, fire impacts
14 Feb 2018
Korah Parackal - early career researcher entry...
cyclone, emergency management
28 Feb 2018
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017 -...
multi-hazard, policy
28 Feb 2018
Highlights - International Day for Disaster...
multi-hazard, policy
03 Apr 2018
Enabling sustainable volunteering - adapting the...
communities, recruitment
03 Apr 2018
Australian Flammability Monitoring System: AFAC...
fire, fire impacts
05 Apr 2018
Catastrophic and cascading events - project...
capability, emergency management
06 Apr 2018
Urban planning for natural hazard mitigation -...
emergency management, mitigation
09 Apr 2018
Impacts of heatwaves - research findings
capability, planning
10 Apr 2018
How tsunami risk informs natural hazard management
planning, risk management
23 Apr 2018
Dr Steven Curnin - early career researcher entry...
capability, decision making
12 Jun 2018
Heather Stuart from NSW SES discusses the...
communication, decision making