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Haigh, I. D. et al. Estimating present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the coastline of Australia: tropical cyclone-induced storm surges. Climate Dynamics 42, 139-157 (2014).
Haigh, I. D. et al. Estimating present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the coastline of Australia: tides, extra-tropical storm surges and mean sea level. Climate Dynamics 42, 121-138 (2014).
Johnson, V., Johnston, D., Peace, R. & Ronan, K. Evaluating Children’s Learning of Adaptive Response Capacities from ShakeOut, an Earthquake and Tsunami Drill in Two Washington State School Districts. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 11, 347-373 (2014).
Johnson, V., Ronan, K., Johnston, D. & Peace, R. Evaluations of disaster education programs for children: a methodological review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 9, 107-123 (2014).
Coates, L., Haynes, K., O'Brien, J., McAneney, J. & de Oliveira, F. Dimer. Exploring 167 years of vulnerability: An examination of extreme heat events in Australia 1844–2010. Environmental Science and Policy 42, 33-44 (2014).
Eburn, M. Exposing hidden value trade-offs: sharing wildfire management responsibility between government and citizens. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24, 162-169 (2014).
Yeo, C., Kepert, J. & Hicks, R. Fire Danger Indices: Current Limitations and a Pathway to Better Indices. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2014).
Owen, C. & Bremner, P. A. Human Factors Challenges in Emergency Management Enhancing Individual and Team Performance in Fire and Emergency Services (Ashgate, 2014). at <http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781472405234>
Smith, D., Masters, F. J. & Gurley, K. R. An historical perspective on the wind resistance of clay and concrete roofing tiles. RCI Interface 32, 22-35 (2014).
Dovers, S. & Eburn, M. How chief officers view success in fire policy and management. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 29, (2014).
Owen, C. Human Factors Challenges in Emergency Management. (Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014).
Johnson, V., Johnston, D., Peace, R. & Ronan, K. Implementing Disaster Preparedness education in New Zealand primary schools. Disaster Prevention and Management 23, 370-380 (2014).
Gibson, F. L. & Pannell, D. J. Integrated economic assessment of fire risk management strategies: Case studies in Central Otago, New Zealand, and Mount Lofty Region, South Australia. Final report for the integrated assessment of prescribed burning project (2014).
Pannell, D. J. & Gibson, F. L. Integrated economic assessment of fire risk management strategies: Case studies in Central Otago, New Zealand, and Mount Lofty Region, South Australia. 44, (Bushfire CRC, 2014).
Webb, M. & Ronan, K. Interactive Hazards Education Program for Youth in a Low SES Community: A Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study. Risk Analysis 34, 1882-1893 (2014).
Haynes, K. & Bird, D. Investigating the activation of community fire units in the Blue Mountains during the October 2013 bushfires. (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2014).
Newman, J. et al. Literature Review on Decision Support Systems for Optimising Long-term Natural Hazard Mitigation Policy and Project Portfolios. (2014).
Penman, T., Bedward, M. & Bradstock, R. National Fire Danger Rating System Probabalistic Framework: year two report. (2014).
Weir, J., Eburn, M., Handmer, J., Norman, B. & Dovers, S. Negotiating risk and responsibility through law, policy and planning. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 29, (2014).
Russell-Smith, J., Meyer, C. P. (Mick) & Edwards, A. C. Northern Fire Mapping: Developing Robust Fire Extent and Severity Mapping Products for the Tropical Savannas Final Report. Final Report for the Northern Fire Mapping Project (2014).
Pattiaratchi, C. & Wijeratne, E. M. S. Observations of meteorological tsunamis along the south-west Australian coast. Natural Hazards 74, 281-303 (2014).
McLennan, J., Cowlishaw, S., Paton, D., Beatson, R. & Elliott, G. Predictors of south-eastern Australian householders’ strengths of intentions to self-evacuate if a wildfire threatens: two theoretical models. International Journal of Wildland Fire 23, 1176-1188 (2014).
Young, C. The Problem Solution Framework. (2014).
McLennan, J., Paton, D. & Beatson, R. Psychological differences between south-eastern Australian householders' who intend to leave if threatened by a wildfire and those who intend to stay and defend. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 11, 35-46 (2014).
Beilin, R. & Reid, K. Putting ‘it’ together: mapping the narratives of bushfire and place in two Australian landscapes - final report for the Social construction of fuels in the interface 2 project. The Social Construction of Fuels in the Interface (Project Two) (2014).