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Owen, C. et al. Politics, Policies and Paradigms: Challenges of Change in Future Emergency Management. 2013 Annual Conference (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/politics-policies-and-paradigms-challenges-change-future-emergency-managem>
Bearman, C., Owen, C., Brooks, B. & Grunwald, J. The Problems of Maintaining Effective Teamwork During Out-of-Scale Events. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/problems-maintaining-effective-teamwork-during-out-scale-events>
Duff, T., Chong, D. & Tolhurst, K. G. Quantifying spatio-temporal differences between fire shapes: Estimating fire travel paths for the improvement of dynamic spread models. Environmental Modelling & Software 46, 33-43 (2013).
Volkova, L. & Weston, C. Redistribution and emission of forest carbon by planned burning in Eucalyptus obliqua (L. Hérit.) forest of south-eastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 304, (2013).
Nyman, P. et al. Sediment availability on burned hillslopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface n/a - n/a (2013). doi:10.1002/jgrf.20152
Chong, D., Tolhurst, K. G., Duff, T. & Cirulis, B. Sensitivity Analysis of PHOENIX RapidFire. (2013).
Austin, E., Hearne, J., Henry, S., Rance, A. & Travers, A. Sharing responsibility for implementing the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience - workshop report. (2013).
Cao, Y., Boruff, B. J. & McNeill, I. M. “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” Defining the Preparatory Conditions in Support of Active Defence for Different Fire Danger Ratings. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/sites/default/files/managed/resource/cao_y.pdf>
Meyer, C. P. (Mick), Lee, S. & Cope, M. E. Smoke impacts from prescribed burning in Victoria; developing a risk climatology. 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 200-206 (2013). at <http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim2013/A3/meyer2.pdf>
Abbasi, A., Owen, C., Hossain, L. & Hamra, J. Social Connectedness and Adaptive Team Coordination During Fire Events. Fire Safety Journal 59, 30-36 (2013).
Minas, J. P., Hearne, J. & Martell, D. A spatial optimisation model for multi-period landscape level fuel management to mitigate wildfire impacts. European Journal of Operational Research (2013). doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2013.07.026
Owen, C., Bosomworth, K., Bearman, C. & Brooks, B. Strategic emergency management in Australia and New Zealand - discussion paper on implications of research. (2013).
Larsen, B., Graham, T. & Aisbett, B. A survey to identify physically demanding tasks performed during storm damage operations by Australian State Emergency Services personnel. Applied Ergonomics 44, 128 - 133 (2013).
Horton, B. M. et al. Temperate eucalypt forest decline is linked to altered ectomycorrhizal communities mediated by soil chemistry. (2013). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.04.006
Slijepcevic, A., Anderson, W. R. & Matthews, S. Testing existing models for predicting hourly variation in fine fuel moisture in eucalypt forests. Forest Ecology and Management 306, 202-215 (2013).
Larsen, B., Langridge, P., Ruzic, A., Lord, C. & Aisbett, B. Tympanic Temperature to Predict Core Temperatures of Firefighters Report. (2013).
Cruz, M. G. & Alexander, M. E. Uncertainty associated with model predictions of surface and crown fire rates of spread. Environmental Modelling & Software 47, 16-28 (2013).
Nyman, P. et al. Water Quality Risk Due to Fire Disturbance: Tools for Quantifying. 2013 Annual Conference (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/water-quality-risk-due-fire-disturbance-tools-quantifying>
Leavesley, A. J., Mallela, J., Kendall, D. & Cooper, N. Winter Hazard Reduction Burning Reduces the Fuel Load in Themeda and Phalaris during Summer. 2013 Research Forum (2013). at <http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/winter-hazard-reduction-burning-reduces-fuel-load-themeda-and-phalaris-dur>