Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Performance of fire detection algorithms using himawari-8 Biblio PDF icon save (1.27 MB) emergency management, fire, fire weather
Literature review: modelling and simulation of flow over tree canopies Biblio PDF icon save (943.19 KB) environments, fire, fire weather
Surviving bushfire: the role of shelters and sheltering practices during the Black Saturday bushfires Biblio communities, decision making, fire
Mapping Bushfire Hazard and Impacts Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.82 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Mapping how outputs from various Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC projects could be combined to address the issue of how to best manage fuel to reduce bushfire risk into the future Biblio PDF icon save (3.47 MB) fire, fuel reduction, risk management
Determination of Firebrand Characteristics Using Thermal Videos Biblio PDF icon save (3.51 MB) fire, fire severity, modelling
A unified approach to fire spread modelling Biblio PDF icon save (678.84 KB) fire, modelling, propagation
Approaches for investigating fire impacts on catchment hydrology Project fire, hydrology
Using a worldview lens to examine complex policy issues: a historical review of bushfire management in the South West of Australia Biblio fire, governance, policy
Plume and air quality modelling Project fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Physics based simulations of grassfire propagation in patchy fuel beds and slopped terrain - a parametric study Project fire, fire impacts
Simulated behaviour of wildland fire spreading through idealised heterogeneous fuels Biblio fire, modelling, physics
A Seasonal-Window Ensemble-Based Thresholding Technique Used to Detect Active Fires in Geostationary Remotely Sensed Data Biblio emergency management, fire, remote sensing
Effects of prescribed fire and post-fire rainfall on mercury mobilization and subsequent contamination assessment in a legacy mine site in Victoria, Australia Biblio fire, prescribed burning
Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Improving decision support tools for conservation of fire-adapted ecosystems in southern Australia, through integrated simulation of reproductive ecology and landscape dynamics Project fire, modelling
Towards fire-adaptive communities in Australia Project communities, fire, resilience
Navigating Uncertainty: a qualitative study of resident involvement in the 2013 Forcett Tasmania bushfire disaster Biblio PDF icon save (3.49 MB) fire, fire impacts, recovery
Evolution of an extreme Pyrocumulonimbus-driven wildfire event in Tasmania, Australia Biblio PDF icon save (844.71 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Analysis of RapidEye imagery to map fire severity and ground truthing Project fire, risk analysis
Large-eddy simulations of bushfire plumes in the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Estimating fire severity and carbon emissions over Australian tropical savannahs based on passive microwave satellite observations Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Learning to learn from bushfire: Perspectives from Victorian emergency management practitioners Biblio emergency management, fire, organisational
A handbook of wildfire engineering: guidance for wildfire suppression and resilient urban design Biblio PDF icon save (3.78 MB) engineering, fire, resilience
Factors influencing householder self-evacuation in two Australian bushfires Biblio PDF icon save (4.68 MB) communication, fire, warnings
Effective communication of household wildfire risk through WebGIS: considerations in content, representation and design Biblio PDF icon save (3.91 MB) communication, fire, modelling
Tympanic Temperature to Predict Core Temperatures of Firefighters Report Biblio PDF icon save (690.93 KB) fire, response
Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for northern Australia: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (2.72 MB) fire, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
Implementation of a new algorithm resulting in improvements in accuracy and resolution of SEVIRI hotspot products Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Numerical study on effect of relative humidity (and fuel moisture) on modes of grassfire propagation Biblio fire, modelling, physics
Terrestrial Image-Based Point Clouds for Mapping Near-Ground Vegetation Structure: Potential and Limitations Biblio PDF icon save (7.72 MB) fire, fuel reduction, land management
A comparison of terrestrial and UAS sensors for measuring fuel hazard in a dry sclerophyll forest Biblio PDF icon save (5.54 MB) fire, fuel reduction, remote sensing
The role of extreme value analysis to enhance defendable space for construction practice and planning in bushfire prone environments - peer viewed Biblio PDF icon save (703.25 KB) fire, infrastructure, planning
Analysis of the physical processes associated with junction fires at laboratory and field scales Biblio emergency management, fire, planning
Household decision making in bushfire self evacuation Project decision making, fire
A guide to reconstructing cropland wildfires – data collection, collation and analysis for case study construction Biblio PDF icon save (2.54 MB) fire, modelling, scenario analysis
Modelling the dynamic behaviour of junction fires with a coupled fire-atmosphere model Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
Multi-scaled calibration of high-resolution burnt area and fire severity mapping - workshop report Biblio PDF icon save (1.39 MB) fire, fire impacts, land management
Dynamic modelling of fire coalescence Biblio PDF icon save (4.5 MB) fire, modelling, physics
Sleep restriction across a simulated firefighting deployment: The impact on acute stress responses Biblio PDF icon save (24.15 MB) fire, response

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