Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry Forests of Victoria, Australia Project fire, fire impacts
Effects of prescribed fire and post-fire rainfall on mercury mobilization and subsequent contamination assessment in a legacy mine site in Victoria, Australia Biblio fire, prescribed burning
Global vegetation gross primary production estimation using satellite-derived light-use efficiency and canopy conductance Biblio environments, fire, remote sensing
Wind speed Reduction Factors (WRFs): utilities for WRF assessment and communication - Black Summer final report Biblio PDF icon save (2.01 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Navigating Uncertainty: a qualitative study of resident involvement in the 2013 Forcett Tasmania bushfire disaster Biblio PDF icon save (3.49 MB) fire, fire impacts, recovery
Evolution of an extreme Pyrocumulonimbus-driven wildfire event in Tasmania, Australia Biblio PDF icon save (844.71 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Through the flames - quantitative analysis of strategic and tactical wildfire suppression Project fire, fire impacts, response
Initiation of biomass smouldering combustion in bushfires Project fire, prescribed burning
Estimating fire severity and carbon emissions over Australian tropical savannahs based on passive microwave satellite observations Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Navigating scientific uncertainty in wildfire and flood risk mitigation: A qualitative review Biblio PDF icon save (435.47 KB) fire, flood, mitigation
Using Digital Earth Australia Waterbodies to support aerial firefighting Biblio PDF icon save (2.69 MB) fire, fire weather, remote sensing
Factors influencing householder self-evacuation in two Australian bushfires Biblio PDF icon save (4.68 MB) communication, fire, warnings
Effective communication of household wildfire risk through WebGIS: considerations in content, representation and design Biblio PDF icon save (3.91 MB) communication, fire, modelling
Exploring 167 years of vulnerability: An examination of extreme heat events in Australia 1844–2010 Biblio fire, vulnerability
Implementation of a new algorithm resulting in improvements in accuracy and resolution of SEVIRI hotspot products Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Physics-based simulations of grassfire propagation on sloped terrain at field scale: flame dynamics, mode of fire propagation and heat fluxes Biblio PDF icon save (11.45 MB) fire, modelling, propagation
Case study: use of remote sensing data to derive spatial and temporal explicit fuel accumulation curves across defence lands Biblio PDF icon save (2.79 MB) fire, land management, remote sensing
Culturally appropriate mapping tools for informing two-way fire management planning in remote indigenous north Australian communities - peer viewed Biblio PDF icon save (531.79 KB) fire, Northern Australia, planning
2009 Black Saturday and other large fire events - moisture content project Project fire, fire weather, soil moisture
Drivers of long-distance spotting during wildfires in south-eastern Australia Biblio PDF icon save (3.97 MB) fire, mitigation, prescribed burning
Valuing recovery through risk ownership Biblio PDF icon save (893.83 KB) fire, recovery, risk management
Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modelling Biblio PDF icon save (563.46 KB) fire, forecasting, modelling
The Stress of Firefighting Report Biblio PDF icon save (620.18 KB) fire, response
Cultural burning and public sector practice in the Australian Capital Territory Biblio fire, indigenous communities, land management
Plume and air quality modelling Project fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Physics based simulations of grassfire propagation in patchy fuel beds and slopped terrain - a parametric study Project fire, fire impacts
Children, bushfire and climate change Biblio child-centred, fire, resilience
A strategic analysis of preventable residential fire fatalities Project fire, risk analysis, vulnerability
Fire Risk Assessment of Combustible Exterior Cladding Using a Collective Numerical Database Biblio PDF icon save (3.03 MB) fire, infrastructure, risk management
Climate Change Increases the Potential for Extreme Wildfires Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
Sheltering practices during bushfire Biblio PDF icon save (1.66 MB) communities, fire, policy
Mapping bushfire hazards and impacts: annual project report 2017-18 Biblio PDF icon save (2.18 MB) fire
Methods for background temperature estimation in the context of active fire detection Biblio PDF icon save (22.24 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Encouraging evacuation: the role of behavioural message inputs in bushfire warnings Biblio communication, fire, warnings
Understanding Post-Fire Fuel Dynamics using Burnt Permanent Forest Plots Report Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) fire, fire impacts, land management
Integrating bushfire risk reduction and statutory mechanisms in South Australia Biblio PDF icon save (753.84 KB) fire, mitigation, modelling
Mesoscale features related to the Blue Mountains fires of 17 October 2013 revealed by high resolution Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) modelling Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Leaf traits predict global patterns in the structure and flammability of forest litter beds Biblio PDF icon save (1.39 MB) fire, fuel reduction, land management
Modelling forest fuel temporal change using LiDAR Project fire, modelling
Victorian bushfire case studies - Black Summer final report Biblio PDF icon save (55.09 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity

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