Key topics


Forecasting refers to the prediction or estimation of future events or outcomes.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
20 Nov 2014 Authorities warn of fiery summer Press Clipping fire severity, fire weather, forecasting
07 Nov 2014 South Australia and western Victoria head into drought after dry October Press Clipping fire weather, forecasting
27 Oct 2014 Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves Resource fire, flood, forecasting
22 Oct 2014 Managing severe weather: progress and opportunities Resource forecasting, risk management, severe weather
09 Sep 2014 Above average bushfire threat for Goldfields Midland region this summer Press Clipping fire, fire weather, forecasting
08 Sep 2014 Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves Resource PDF icon save (1.7 MB) fire, flood, forecasting
08 Sep 2014 The heatwaves of the 2013/14 Australian summer Resource PDF icon save (1.92 MB) fire, forecasting
12 Aug 2014 El Nino weather pattern could bring longer bushfire season to Queensland Press Clipping fire weather, forecasting
23 Jul 2014 Northern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2014 Resource PDF icon save (901.87 KB) fire weather, forecasting, fuel reduction
Evaluating topographic influences on the near-surface wind field of Tropical Cyclone Ita (2014) using WRF-ARW Biblio PDF icon save (510.04 KB) cyclone, forecasting, scenario analysis
Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone: East Coast Lows Project coastal, forecasting, vulnerability
Large-eddy simulations of pyro-convection and its sensitivity to mositure Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Combining hydrologic and hydraulic models for real time flood forecasting - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (133.38 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modelling Biblio PDF icon save (563.46 KB) fire, forecasting, modelling
Fire weather and prototype fire danger ratings for the Gell River fire, Tasmania Biblio PDF icon save (1.88 MB) fire weather, forecasting, modelling
Soil and fuel moisture precursors of fire activity during the 2019-20 fire season Project forecasting, land management, remote sensing
Time and space scales in the tropical cyclone boundary layer, and the location of the eyewall updraft Biblio cyclone, forecasting, severe weather
Active fires: Early fire detection and mapping using HIMAWARI-8 Annual Report 2017-2018 Biblio PDF icon save (810.69 KB) fire weather, forecasting, scenario analysis
Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone – East Coast Lows: annual report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (1.13 MB) coastal, forecasting, vulnerability
The physical impact of strong winds and heavy rain on residential housing: a pilot study Biblio PDF icon save (2.86 MB) exposure, forecasting, modelling
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (2.07 MB) fire weather, forecasting, severe weather
Mitigating the effects of severe fire, floods and heatwaves through the improvements of land dryness measures and forecasts - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (4.98 MB) forecasting, multi-hazard, remote sensing
The Heatwaves of the 2013/14 Australian Summer Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.59 MB) fire, forecasting
The boundary layer dynamics of tropical cyclone rainbands Biblio cyclone, forecasting, severe weather
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (816.16 KB) communities, forecasting, severe weather
Real-time flood inundation mapping for flood intelligence – a case study from India Biblio PDF icon save (715.19 KB) flood, forecasting, response
Improved predictions of Australian extreme sea levels through a coupled wave-surge model Biblio PDF icon save (1.17 MB) coastal, forecasting, storm surge
Large-eddy simulations of bushfire plumes in the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Fire spread prediction across fuel types: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (953.12 KB) fire impacts, fire severity, forecasting
Developing better predictions for extreme water levels Biblio PDF icon save (10.74 MB) forecasting, storm surge, tsunami
JASMIN: A prototype high resolution soil moisture analysis system for Australia Biblio PDF icon save (722.87 KB) forecasting, fuel reduction, risk management
Towards operational SAR-based flood mapping using neuro-fuzzy texture-based approaches Biblio flood, forecasting, modelling
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Biblio PDF icon save (565.98 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact: midterm report 2014-17 Biblio PDF icon save (14.37 MB) fire weather, forecasting, severe weather
The effects of turbulent plume dynamics on long-range spotting Biblio PDF icon save (460.39 KB) fire severity, forecasting, severe weather
Application of Remote Sensing Data to Constrain Operational Rainfall-Driven Flood Forecasting: A Review Biblio PDF icon save (728.06 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Long-range spotting by bushfire plumes: The effects of plume dynamics and turbulence on firebrand trajectory Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves through the improvements of land dryness measures and forecasts Biblio PDF icon save (2 MB) forecasting, mitigation, severe weather
Developing a flash flood warning system for short duration catchments using rain fields data, 2D hydrodynamic modelling and best-practice emergency communication Project flood, forecasting, modelling
On the Impacts of Observation Location, Timing, and Frequency on Flood Extent Assimilation Performance Biblio flood, forecasting, modelling

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