Key topics


Infrastructure refers to the basic physical and organisational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
24 Apr 2015 House Upgrades in the Wind News cyclone, infrastructure, resilience
10 Apr 2015 Human Fatalities and Building Losses 2015 NSW RAF Presentation Resource PDF icon save (2.3 MB) infrastructure, multi-hazard
21 Jan 2015 Volcanic hazards Blog infrastructure, vulnerability
27 Oct 2014 Disruption of critical infrastructure during prolonged natural disasters Resource infrastructure, mitigation
27 Oct 2014 Protecting and managing critical infrastructure under a changing climate Resource infrastructure, mitigation
27 Oct 2014 Estimating the impacts of natural hazards on property and bulding losses Resource infrastructure, resilience
08 Sep 2014 Managing critical infrastructure in a changing climate Resource PDF icon save (441.42 KB) infrastructure, policy
08 Sep 2014 Disruption of critical infrastructure during prolonged natural disasters Resource PDF icon save (1.07 MB) infrastructure, vulnerability
25 Aug 2014 Project team meets on Lockyer Valley case study Blog flood, infrastructure
13 Jun 2014 Newsletter 1 - fatalities and building losses News fire impacts, infrastructure, risk management
21 Mar 2014 Enhancing resilience of critical road structures Resource PDF icon save (722.83 KB) engineering, flood, infrastructure
21 Mar 2014 An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from natural disasters Resource PDF icon save (250.37 KB) economics, infrastructure, risk analysis
Fire Risk Assessment of Combustible Exterior Cladding Using a Collective Numerical Database Biblio PDF icon save (3.03 MB) fire, infrastructure, risk management
Measuring the social, environmental and economic consequences of bridge failure due to natural disasters Biblio PDF icon save (3.4 MB) infrastructure, multi-hazard, recovery
Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: bridges, culverts and flood‐ways under natural hazards: annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (554.53 KB) engineering, flood, infrastructure
Managing Critical Infrastructure in a Changing Climate: Risk, Roles, Responsibilities and Politics Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (722.97 KB) governance, infrastructure, policy
Quantifying catastrophic bushfire consequence Project infrastructure, mitigation, response
Recommended Site Classification Scheme and Design Spectrum Model for Regions of Lower Seismicity Biblio PDF icon save (395.41 KB) engineering, infrastructure, modelling
Predicting the probability of failure of timber bridges using fault tree analysis Biblio engineering, infrastructure, vulnerability
Numerical analysis and parametric study of unreinforced masonry walls with arch openings under lateral in-plane loading Biblio PDF icon save (3.05 MB) earthquake, infrastructure, physics
Towards effective mitigation strategies for severe wind events Biblio cyclone, engineering, infrastructure
Disruption of critical infrastructure during prolonged natural disasters Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (510.24 KB) infrastructure, vulnerability
Assessment of Displacement Demand for Earth Retaining Structures Biblio earthquake, infrastructure, mitigation
Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: bridges, culverts and floodways under natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (3.2 MB) flood, infrastructure, resilience
Effects of masonry in flat-slab structures Project earthquake, engineering, infrastructure
Measuring the social, environmental and economic consequences of bridge failure due to natural disasters Project infrastructure, multi-hazard
Improvements and difficulties associated with seismic assessment of infrastructure in Australia - peer viewed Biblio PDF icon save (792.48 KB) earthquake, infrastructure
Detecting structural damage to bridge girders using radar interferometry and computational modelling Biblio engineering, infrastructure, mitigation
Innovative Upscaling of Architectural Elements for Strengthening Building Structures Biblio PDF icon save (4.46 MB) engineering, infrastructure, preparedness
Development of fragility functions for rigid-frame bridges subjected to tsunami-induced hydrodynamic forces Biblio infrastructure, physics, tsunami
Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: bridges, culverts and floodways under natural hazards: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (1.08 MB) infrastructure, multi-hazard, resilience
Seismic fragility assessment of nonstructural components in unreinforced clay brick masonry buildings Biblio earthquake, engineering, infrastructure
An investigation into the water flow pressure distribution on the bridge pier under flood loading Biblio engineering, flood, infrastructure
Sprinkler systems for the protection of buildings from wildfire Project fire, infrastructure, resilience
Investigation into the behaviour of a U-slab bridge due to flood Project engineering, flood, infrastructure
Vulnerability Functions for RC Shear Wall Buildings in Australia Biblio PDF icon save (991.52 KB) earthquake, engineering, infrastructure
Urban Water Management Issues and Challenges After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Recovery: Lessons Learned from Banda Aceh City, Indonesia Biblio infrastructure, recovery, risk management
Collapse behaviour of limited ductile high-strength RC columns under multidirectional earthquake actions Biblio emergency management, engineering, infrastructure
Framework for seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia Biblio engineering, framework, infrastructure
Co-Building with Bamboo Biblio communities, infrastructure, resilience

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