Key topics


Flood refers to an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Natural hazards in Australia: floods Biblio flood, severe weather
Building resilience through flood risk communication annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (415.97 KB) emergency management, flood, risk management
Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood prone buildings – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (6.3 MB) engineering, flood, mitigation
Combining hydrologic and hydraulic models for real time flood forecasting - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (133.38 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
A comparison of the discrete cosine and wavelet transforms for hydrologic model input data reduction Biblio emergency management, flood
Flood mapping under vegetation using single SAR acquisitions Biblio flood, hydrology, remote sensing
Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood prone buildings Biblio PDF icon save (3.47 MB) economics, flood, infrastructure
Predictive applications of Australian flood loss models after a temporal and spatial transfer Biblio flood
Remote-sensing flood data is filling the gaps Biblio engineering, flood, hydrology
Flooding in South Australia - improved approaches for flood risk reduction by joint consideration of structural, land use planning and community resilience Project flood, modelling
Cost-Effective Mitigation Strategy Development for Flood Prone Buildings Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (563.29 KB) engineering, flood, mitigation
Flood risk communication - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.41 MB) communication, flood, warnings
Effective Representation of River Geometry in Hydraulic Flood Forecast Models Biblio PDF icon save (1.75 MB) emergency management, flood, risk management
Application of Remote Sensing Data to Constrain Operational Rainfall-Driven Flood Forecasting: A Review Biblio PDF icon save (728.06 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Developing better predictions for extreme water levels: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (2.79 MB) coastal, flood
Real people, real stories- if it’s flooded forget it Biblio PDF icon save (767.2 KB) communities, emergency management, flood
Flood risk reduction in a dynamic urban context exploring the urban-water-resilience nexus Project flood, mitigation, resilience
Calibration and validation of FLFArs – a new flood loss function for Australian residential structures Biblio PDF icon save (7.48 MB) flood
Development and evaluation of FLFAcs - A new Flood Loss Function for Australian commercial structures Biblio PDF icon save (1.45 MB) engineering, flood
Sheltering in place during flooding: a case study of ex cyclone Debbie Biblio PDF icon save (336.42 KB) cyclone, flood, risk analysis
Townsville 2019 flood: insights from the field Biblio PDF icon save (1.39 MB) emergency management, flood, warnings
Comparison of remotely sensed and modelled soil moisture data sets across Australia Biblio fire, flood, remote sensing
How do we reduce vehicle related deaths: exploring Australian flood fatalities 1900-2015 - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (555.34 KB) flood
Living with floods: key lessons from four Australian flood reviews and similar reviews from the Netherlands, China and the USA Biblio flood, planning, policy
Resilience to clustered disaster events on the coast - storm surge Project coincident events, flood, storm surge
Recovery and Resettlement following the 2011 flash flooding in Lockyer Valley Biblio PDF icon save (4.4 MB) flood, planning
Integrating intangible values in economic analyses of flood mitigation: a case study of the Brown Hill and Keswick creeks catchment in Adelaide Biblio PDF icon save (875.63 KB) economics, flood, policy
Development of a national set of Community Service Announcements for flood risk Biblio PDF icon save (1.67 MB) communication, flood, warnings
Investigation into the behaviour of a U-slab bridge due to flood Project engineering, flood, infrastructure
The mitigation exercise: a long term mitigation planning process, with a coastal flooding case study in Adelaide Biblio PDF icon save (1.09 MB) coastal, flood, mitigation
Towards a comprehensive data assimilation framework for operational hydrodynamic flood forecasting Project flood, remote sensing
Children in the 2015 South Indian floods: community members’ views Biblio child-centred, communities, flood
Integrated economic assessment of flood management options for Adelaide Biblio PDF icon save (170.02 KB) economics, flood, mitigation
Townsville flood 2019 - post event data collection Project emergency management, flood, warnings
Pre-disaster flood damage assessment in urban areas Project flood
Testing of simulated flood effect on the strength of selected building components Biblio PDF icon save (6.35 MB) engineering, flood, mitigation
Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood proof buildings - annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (943.9 KB) emergency management, engineering, flood
A Mutual Information‐Based Likelihood Function for Particle Filter Flood Extent Assimilation Biblio flood, forecasting, modelling
Estimating present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the coastline of Australia: tropical cyclone-induced storm surges Biblio cyclone, flood, storm surge
Sink or Swim: alternative approaches to flood disaster reconstruction and mitigation Biblio flood, planning, policy

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